Diabetes What is Diabetes and Why - The name of the carbohydrate metabolism action regulator hormone insulin (insulin) This hormone releas...

Diabetes (Details)


What is Diabetes and Why -
The name of the carbohydrate metabolism action regulator hormone insulin (insulin) This hormone released from pancreas helps in the production of energy for the body through the metabolic process called glucose in the body cells. Then store additional glucose as liver glycogen. As a result, blood glucose levels are normal. If this hormone is not adequate for pancreatic, if the insulin is not effective, or if the body insulin is inactive, then the amount of glucose in the blood increases with normal and glucose is excreted with urine. This is the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM - Diabetes Mellitus) or diabetes.

Types & Causes:-
Diabetes is usually two types_
Type 1 diabetes:-or insulin-based diabetes, which is usually of a lower age. In this, pancreas lose the ability to make insulin and insulin is essential for these patients. This diabetes is prevalent for both age and environment.
Type 2 diabetes :-or insulin-non-diabetic diabetes.
About 80 percent of the world's type-2 diabetes, which is grown in the elderly. Obesity or weight gain, bad eating habits, lack of physical exertion, stress, smoking etc. are one of the main reasons for type 2 diabetes. Due to dysfunctional risk of these types of diabetes. Parents raise the risk of someone having diabetes, and both of them have a very high level of diabetes. Women's pregnancy diabetes is growing at the same time.

What is the symptoms of diabetes?

Frequent urination and thirst
Increase hunger
Fatigue and Tiredness
Overweight weight loss
Scorching vision
Decrease in immunity
Frequent Infection
Dry, dried and itchy skin in the skin
If you suspect / suspect, then do diabetes test.

Diabetes treatment methods:-

Three short "D" follow-up for diabetes treatment. For example,

1. The first "D" - Diet or diet control, 60 to 80 percent of the patients are good at it.
2. Second "D" - Living discipline or orderly life.
3. Third "D" - Drugs or medicines, very few patients will need it.

It is to be remembered__
the first and second "D" means that it is possible to control 80 percent of diabetes through discipline and food control. The role of medicines is very low. Again, with the exception of the first two "D", only diabetes control with the drug is very difficult.


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